Rafain Convention Center, Foz do Iguaçu (Iguassu Falls), Brasil 8 – 12 August
E2C played an important role in the Education & Outreach offered at this meeting. Beginning in 2008, Michael Passow began discussions with Dr. Marcelo Assumpção of USP (University of Sao Paulo), chair of the Local Organizing Committee. More than 1,500 scientists from around the world attended this exciting conference that highlighted geoscience research and geoscience education in South America.
As part of the conference, Michael, Dr. Celso Del Ra Carneiro of Unicamp (University of Sao Paulo at Campinas), and Dra. Nisia Krusche of FURG (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) coordinated the GIFT (Geophysical Information For Teachers) Workshop. GIFT programs have long been a staple of the AGU Fall Meetings in San Francisco, but this was the first for South America. The program announcement read:
This 2-day GIFT workshop will present Earth systems science research related to rain, rocks, and soils, with a focus on remote sensing. This course is designed for middle and high school teachers who will gain hands-on activities and ideas for their classrooms. Topics include: geography, geology, weather and climate of South America; use of TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) satellite data; effects of rain on rocks: weathering and the carbon cycle; predictions of impacts from future climate changes and water supplies; educators’ challenges in teaching climate change; inspiring future decision-makers now in schools; and sharing teachers’ experiences.
Here is the final Official GIFT Agenda.
- Geologia e Relevo da América do Sul – Celso Dal Ré Carneiro (UNICAMP) (Portuguese, unless otherwise noted))
- Tempo e Clima na América do Sul – Michelle S. Reboita (UNIFEI)
- Challenges to Teaching Climate Change – Michael Passow (Earth2Class) (English)
- Ações do Ministério da Educação em Educação à Distância e Tecnologia Educacional – Antonio Carlos Alves Carvalho (MEC)
- Precipitação e satélites TRMM – Raquel Albretch (CPTEC)
- Bringing Remote Sensing of Precipitation to Your Classroom (English)
- Intemperismo, rochas e ciclo do carbono – Celso Dal Ré Carneiro (UNICAMP)
- Evolução do Clima da Terra e as Tendências do Ciclo Hidrológico – Maria Assunção Silva Dias (USP)

More images of the AGU 2010 Joint Assembly of the Americas and trip to Iguassu Falls