E2C Workshop September 17 2022
For both workshop participants and others who cannot attend in person, this “Earth2Class” website has become a valuable resource. Like the workshops, the website has been created through the combined efforts of the E2C Team, LDEO scientists, workshop attendees, and dozens of other teachers who have attended the summer conferences or provided online resources.
The website includes archived versions of the workshop; resources for middle and high school Earth Science teachers and students; suggestions for incorporating educational technology into the classroom; links to science education and professional societies; and many other useful materials. During past years, the website has averaged around 5,000 hits per month.

Update March 2014: It Is With Tremendous Sorrow That We Note The Sudden Passing Of Gerry Iturrino. Gerry’s Participation In E2c Provided The Program With Scientific Reliability And Validity Not Otherwise Possible.
For both workshop participants and others who cannot attend in person, this “Earth2Class” website has become a valuable resource. Like the workshops, the website has been created through the combined efforts of the E2C Team, LDEO scientists, workshop attendees, and dozens of other teachers who have attended the summer conferences or provided online resources. The website includes archived versions of the workshop; resources for middle and high school Earth Science teachers and students; suggestions for incorporating educational technology into the classroom; links to science education and professional societies; and many other useful materials. During past years, the website has averaged around 5,000 hits per month.
Sponsors and Partners
American Meteorological Society Educational Initiatives
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is the nation’s largest professional organization devoted to meteorology, climatology, physical oceanography, and other atmospheric and hydrospheric interests…
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Of Columbia University
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., is a research division of Columbia University dedicated to understanding how planet Earth works. The Observatory, established in 1949 by Columbia geology professor…
Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
Paradise Canoe And Kayak
Paradise Canoe and Kayak provides kayaks for our annual E2C Kayaking Adventure held in conjunction with the final Workshop each year. Located in Piermont, NY, Paradise Boats…
Science Teachers Association Of New York State (Stanys)–westchester Section
The Westchester Section of STANYS promotes educational opportunities for teachers, students, and communities in Westchester…
New York Earth Science Teachers Association (Nyesta)
The goal of NYESTA is to promote Earth Science in New York State by offering a professional community for both pre-service…
New Jersey Earth Science Teacher Association (Njesta)
NJESTA provides the best links among Earth Science teachers in the Garden State. Through participation in the New Jersey Science…
National Association Of Geoscience Teachers/Eastern Section
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers exists to promote interest and excellence in geoscience education and the preparation…
National Earth Science Teachers Association (Nesta)
NESTA facilitates and supports Earth Science Education, especially at the K – 12 level. NESTA provides online resources…