The Dwarskill Mastodon and the 6 Extinctions” 

NYS GeologyNJ Geology
New York State Earth Science Teachers Association (NYESTA)New Jersey Geological Survey
Geology of New York StateNJ Geology: Global and Regional Context
DLESE NY Landscape Regions in Google EarthGeological Association of New Jersey
About the DLESE NY Landscape Regions In Google Earth ProjectCoastal Research Center: NJ Geologic History
New York State Geological SurveyNJ Sports & Exposition Authority: Natural Resources
Bedrock Geological MapsFranklin Mineral Museum
NYS GIS ClearinghouseSterling Hill Mining Museum
NYS GIS Clearinghouse Digital Raster QuadranglesRutgers Geology Museum   
NYS Interactive Mapping Gateway
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
American Museum of Natural History: New York City Geology
USGS Geological Survey Studies in the New York Bight
USGS Science in Your Backyard: New York
Cary Institute of Ecological Studies
NYS Geological Association
Scenic Hudson
PRI “Teacher-Friendly Guide to the North East”
“New York Geology Resource Page”
B. Bennington (Hoftsra U.) “NYS Geology”
C. Merguerian (Hofstra U.):  Duke Geological Laboratory     “On-the-Rocks Guidebooks”
“Hartwick College Virtual Field Trip from Oneonta to the Hudson River”
High Peaks views
NOAA Ocean Explorer “Hudson Canyon Expedition”
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference
New York Paleontology
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection/New York Maps
New York State Geological Highway Map (for purchase)