“The Earth Has a History” video
Earth History
Paleontological Research Institution
HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Biointeractive (many resources about evolution & fossils)
American Museum of Natural History Paleontology Resources
“What do you know about paleontology?” (Ology interactive)
“Inside the Collections: Paleontology” (video)
Studying fossils in our National Park sites
National Center for Science Education Defending the Teaching of Evolution and Climate Science
NY Science Teacher: Dinosaur Links
UCMP Berkeley “Explorations through Time”
“Determining the Age of Rocks and Fossils”
Royal BC Museum “What Is a Fossil?”
NPS “Fascinating Fossils” powerpoint
McMaster “Evolution Directory”
AAAS Science NetLinks: Fossils and Geologic Time
NYT: “Long-Term Global Forecast–Fewer Continents”
Interactive Map Plots Your Address Over 750 Million Years