by | Jul 14, 2023 | Uncategorized

Suggestions from Classroom Teachers

    Long-Term project ideas (M. Passow)McGuire.LongTermProjectsandRubric1998 (T. McGuire)

    Examples of end-of-course problem sets

      Climate of New JerseyFossils of New JerseyGeology of New Jersey
      Moon phases and tidesShaping the Earth’s SurfaceStructure of the Earth
      Sunrise-Sunset PatternsWeather of New Jersey
      Phoebus (VA) HS long-term projects (M. Stallard)Weathering Project Rubric
      Moon Phases ProjectLife Science web sites for student investigations (C. Dodes)Space Exploration Project (R. Pearson)
      Evolution Projects (R. Searle)Hurricane Katrina Project (M. Smith)

      Suggestions from Organizations

      • Science Fair Projects
        This site has over 500 fully searchable and categorized science fair projects, with full instructions and explanations. You can search for ideas for your projects by simply entering a keyword on whatever interests you.
      “Show-Biz Science” featuring ideas for activities from Vicki CobbTryScience Science Museums Science Fair ProjectsNASA IMAGE Space Science Problems
      EarthStorm (Oklahoma Climatological Survey) Student Projects“Extra Credit” suggestions from “Geolor”Study Skills Guide
      Games and Puzzles“Paper Plate Activities” 

      Teachers’ Guides for Museum Visits

      American Museum of Natural History trip questions (Clarkstown South HS)

      American Museum of Natural History Field Trip (William Wilson, A. Philip Randolph Campus HS, NYC)

      Visit to the AMNH