2nd New York State Earth Science Teachers Conference

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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY

29 – 31 July 2005


The Second New York State Earth Science Teachers Conference provided opportunities to follow up from the 1st Conference (July 2004) and also the American Geological Institute’s “Revolution in Earth Science Education 2.” This year, we were also joined by colleagues from NJ and CT

The 2nd Conference focused on:

>Developing curriculum examples based on the Physical Setting: Earth Science Core Concept

> Providing examples of classroom investigations appropriate for curriculum units

> Demonstrating ways to integrate technology resources available through the Digital Library for Earth Systems Education ( www.dlese.org ) and other educational initiatives.

>Enjoy field experiences in the area, which lies within the Newark (Triassic) Lowlands and Palisades Sill, and, of course, the Hudson River (a great place to kayak!)

    Click for the Earth Science curriculum units developed by the Conference Participants.  

    Our Keynote Speaker was Dr. Michael Purdy, Director of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, who shared his views on the importance of interactions among research scientists and classroom teachers to help create an informed electorate for the future.

     Most of the Conference was held at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, in Palisades, and at St. Thomas Aquinas College in nearby Sparkill. Housing at a very modest rate was available in the  St. Thomas Aquinas College dorms.


EileenAntonisonHammarskjold Middle School, East Brunswick, NJ
ReneeAubryPort Chester High Schol, Port Chester, NY
LisaBerkowitzArdsley MS, Ardsley, NY
CharlesBurrowsSpring Valley HS, Spring Valley, NY
BlancaChingFortt Hamilton HS, Brooklyn, NY
JRCondostaRidgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT
CherylDodesWeber MS, Port Washington, NY
SuzanneDwyerNYC Lab School, Brooklyn, NY
DonaldGoldsteinScience Educator, Rockefeller Preserve, Pocantico Hills, NY
LarryHoardDeWitt Clinton HS, Bronx, NY
JoanHeymontBoys & Girls HS, Brooklyn, NY
MyriamIbarraNottingham HS, Syracuse, NY
ChristineKolaThomas Giordano MS 45, Bronx, NY
NancyKrawieckiNathaniel Hawthorne /PS 74, Bayside, NY
RichardMacLeishAlexander Hamilton HS, Elmsford, NY
RichardRobinsonIS 308 Clara Cardwell Sch, Brooklyn, NY
RoseSandersRamapo HS, Spring Valley, NY
VirginiaSebergNY School for the Deaf, White Plains, NY
DianeStarbuckGraduate Student, Stony Brook U
SandraSwensonGraduate Student, Teachers College/Adj. Prof., Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ
Dionisia P.ViloriaHillcrest HS, Jamaica, NY
GailWeeksThe Elisabeth Morrow School, Englewood, NJ
FredWelfareHumanities & the Arts HS, Queens, NY
JaniceWinbushBronx HS for Writing & Communication Arts, Bronx, NY

Click here for the Schedule.

Click here for Conference images:

Creating exemplary Earth Science syllabus units

Irv Soden’s correlation activity and Charles Burrows animated correlation activity

Kim Kasten’s field trip experience

“Geologic History of the NY Metropolitan Area” Images used for Kim Kastens field trip