“AMS @ LDEO” 11 December 2004

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The American Meteorological Society offers three online courses for educators: “DataStreme Atmosphere,” “DataStreme Ocean,” and “DataStreme Earth’s Climate System.” We provide opportunities for teachers to share these experiences and obtain useful materials for the classroom.

For more information about AMS programs for teachers:

AMS Education InititiativesDataStreme Atmosphere
DataStreme OceanDataStreme Earth’s Climate System

At the 2013 AMS Conference in Austin, we organized the Teachers Professional Development Workshop. Here are links some of the presentations:

Weather and Climate Basics

Weather BasicsWeather Basics (pdf)
Ocean BasicsOcean Basics (pdf)

Observing/Forecasting/Communicating Weather

Joe Arellano, Jr: National Weather Service Data Analysis and Forecasting

“WeatherBug by Earth Networks”


Contact: Frank McCathran fmccathran@earthnetworks.com

Troy Kimmel’s Meteorological Forecast LaboratoryThe Weather Channel Kids!Nick Walker’s “The Weather Dude”

NWS Southern Regional Headquarters “Jet Stream–Online School for Weather”


Barbara Levine and Mike Mogil: “How the Weather Works”

Christopher Straeger (NWS) “Young Meteorologist Program/Weather-Ready Nation” (pdf)
Plan!t Now
Young Meteorologist Program
NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation

Nolan Doesken: CoCoRahs

Linda McCall: Texas Water Development Board
Contact: linda.mccall@twdb.state.tx.us

Luncheon Speakers

Tuesday: Louise Koch (NOAA) “Education Resources from NOAA” (pdf)
Wednesday: Scott Asbury (Ball Aerospace & Technologies) “Building the Nation’s Polar-Orbiting Weather Satellites”

Infusing Weather/Climate/Ocean STEM Activities into Your Classroom

Fran Hess: “Teaching with Everyday Materials“ 

Steve LaDochy and Pedro Ramirez:

Climate Change and Sea Level RiseGlobal Sea Level Rise
California Coastal Erosion ResourcesCalifornia’s Changing Coastline

Jim Brey: “PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum)–A Possible Analog for Modern Climate Change”     (pdf)

John Moore: “Preparing for the Future: Next Generation Science Standards, STEM Education, and You!”   (pdf)

At the 2012 AMS Conference in New Orleans, we organized the WeatherFest Teachers Workshop. Here are links to the featured presentations:

Laura Buchtel (WWL-TV, New Orleans): “How Out TV Forecasts Utilize Technology”

Frank Revitte: “NWS New Orleans/Baton Rouge Office–Technology and Science to Make Decisions that Can Save Lives”

Jeff Graschel: “How Does the National weather Service make a River Forecast?” 

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Through E2C, we have created additional resources by and for DStreme participants. These include:

Melissa Wolk (Garden City M.S., Garden City, NY) shares a set of activities based on selected DataStreme Ocean activities. She only requests that appropriate credit be given to her when you use these with your classes.

“Go with the Data Flow: AMS DataStreme Programs” (slide show presented at NSTA New England Regional Conference, New Haven, CT, Oct 2005)

“Meteorology Education: Wind, Water, Weather & Climate” (presentation by Jim Signorelli at the 2006 LDEO Open House)

“Shallow water ocean waves and tsunamis” (presentation by Barbara Robertson)

El Nino-La Nina” (presentation by Jeffrey Williams)

Finally, here is “American Meteorological Society Education Programs: Peer Training at Its Best”  (The Earth Scientist: journal of the National Earth Science Teachers Association), Summer 2006, pp. 16 – 19.

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Project Atmosphere Canada Teachers Guide

Project Atmosphere Australia Online