Join us for an opportunity to explore many of the teacher-training materials created by the American Meteorological Society Educational; Program. Watch demonstrations of classroom activities. Examine what’s available on the AMS DataStreme web sites:
DataStreme Amosphere (Weather) | DataStreme WES (Water in the Earth System) |
DataStreme Ocean (Marine Sciences) | DataStreme Earth’s Climate System |
Link to AMS Project Atmosphere Educational Materials (El Nino-La Nina slides, pressure blocks, books, etc.)
Introduction to this Workshop
Cutting-Edge Research and Education
Barbara Robertson provides this slide show about “Shallow Water Ocean Waves Including Tsunamis.”
Jeffrey Williams provides this slide show about “El Nino-La Nina.”
Classroom Resources
For copyright purposes, AMS Teacher-Training modules have not been made available online.
However, through an agreement with the AMS, Environment Canada has produced “Project Atmosphere Canada.”
Project Atmosphere Canada (PAC) was a collaborative initiative of Environment Canada and the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) directed towards teachers in the primary and secondary schools across Canada. It is designed to promote an interest in meteorology amongst young people, and to encourage and foster the teaching of the atmospheric sciences and related topics in Canada in grades K-12. Material in the Project Atmosphere Canada Teacher’s Guide has been duplicated or adapted with the permission of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) from its Project ATMOSPHERE teacher guides.