with Dr. Robin Bell and
“Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Data Resources”
with Joseph Schumacher
Originally presented 9 Mar 2002
Introduction to this Workshop
Introduction to Hudson River Studies/CIESEN
Dr. Michael J. Passow
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Whole presentation: PPT | HTML
Earth Science Content
Guest Scientist: Dr. Robin Bell—”Digging Up the Dirt on the Hudson River”
First in this two-part program, we will learn how Dr. Bell and her colleagues have used modern investigative methods to reveal secrets of the Hudson River, flowing majestically at the base of the cliffs on which the Lamont-Doherty campus sits. Their studies have uncovered much about the geologic history of the river, as well as provided great insights about how to handle the pollutants that have been dumped into it. You can learn more about this Hudson River Research at http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/programs/index.html
“Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Data Resources”
Joe Schumacher
Senior Research Associate, CIESIN
CIESIN is the Center for International Earth Science Information Network of Columbia University. Our focus is on the impacts of human activities on the environment, and how environmental change affects society. This talk will present ways to access and utilize CIESIN’s data sets, visualization tools, and educational resources for teaching about the human dimensions of global environmental change. I’ll present resources that can be used to study issues on the local, national and international level.
Integrating Educational Technologies
Online Projects that you can join:
One good strategy for teaching with the Internet is to join a project that is already organized. There are several ongoing projects that allow teachers and students to interact with specialists from all of the world, share information with each other, and participate in real research. Below are some links to projects. Feel free to explore and if you have any projects you would like to share or if you would like to invite other teachers to a project you are doing with your students, go to the Mentoring section and fill in the form! We’ll be glad to help you!
Online Curriculum Projects that your class can join:
Interactive Science and Math Sites
Evaluation strategies for multimedia projects:
Below you will find some links to websites that cover different assessment strategies. Rubrics are especially effective for multimedia projects. Explore and share with us what has been working for you! Our information is in the Contact Us section of the website.
Designing Rubrics [A PowerPoint Presentation]
Assessment Tools from Innovative Teaching
TeacherVisions: All about Rubrics
Kathy Schrock’s Guide: Rubrics
Rubrics for Web Lessons
Guides to Web Searching and Evaluating Internet Resources
Download this page in Word (.doc). Click here.
Selected Bibliography about the Hudson River
Adams, A.G., 1996, The Hudson River Through the Years. Fordham Univ Pr; ISBN: 0823216772
Beard, J., 1970, Blue Water Views of Old New York. Scrimshaw Press, Barre, MA.
Boyle, R. H., 1979, The Hudson River: A Natural and Unnatural History (The Norton Library; N 844). W.W. Norton & Company; ISBN: 0393008444
Mylod, J., 1969, Biography of a River: The People and Legends of the Hudson Valley. Bonanza Books, NY (0-517-L0208X)
Rajs, J., 1995, The Hudson River: from Lake Tear of the Clouds to Manhattan. Monacelli Press, New York, NY. 1-885254-10-5
Van Zandt, R., 1992, Chronicles of the Hudson: Three Centuries of Travel and Adventure. North Country Books; ISBN: 0962852333
Hudson River Film & Video, Indian Brook Road, Garrison NY 10524, 914-265-3405
Links from the PowerPoint and other Resources
Illustrations used in slides
• http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/830025900.html
• http://www.newingtoncropsey.com/index1.htm
• http://www.ulster.net/~hrmm/sail/age.html
• http://www.hudsonriver.com/
Internet sites
[NOTE: several of these web pages provide links to many other resources, which have not been specifically included. You should definitely follow such links as they catch your interest.]
• EPA “Surf Your Watershed” http://cfpub1.epa.gov/surf/locate/map2.cfm
• National Ocean Service www.nos.noaa.gov
• Tide Predictions http://www.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/tp4days.html
“Tides On Line” http://tidesonline.nos.noaa.gov/
US Geological Survey “Salt Front” datahttp://ny.usgs.gov/htdocs/dialer_plots/saltfront.html
• USGS Hudson River Basin National Water Quality Assessment http://wwwdnyalb.er.usgs.gov/projects/hdsn/
• NYS DEC Hudson River Homepage http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/hudson/
• Geology of the New York Bight http://everest.hunter.cuny.edu/bight/index.html
• New York Geology Resource Page http://www.albany.net/~go/newyorker/
• Hudson River Links http://riverresource.com/text/Hudsonlinks.html
• LDEO’s Commitment to the Hudson River http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/about/index.html
Water Quality http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/articles/article1.html
River Plume http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/articles/article2.html
Estuary Ecosystem http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/articles/article3.html
River Marsh http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/articles/article4.html
Bottom Mapping http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Hudson/articles/article5.html
• Palisades Interstate Park http://www.njpalisades.org/
CIESIN http://www.ciesin.org/
CIESIN Resources (Word version: click here)
CIESIN manages a number of web sites that contain resources for earth and environmental science teachers. This sheet is intended to provide a quick guide to the most useful resources. If a site is for classroom use it is indicated by (CR); if it is a teacher resource, it is indicated by (T).
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) is a NASA-funded center that provides on-line data sets, interactive applications, and data discovery tools to help bridge the gap between the earth and social science research communities.
Gridded Population of the World (CR): Maps of the world’s population neatly sliced and diced into 2.5’ x 2.5’ grid cells.
LandScan (CR): Similar to GPW above but on a smaller scale (30″ x 30″) and using different source data.
US and US-Mexico Demographic Data Viewers (CR): Teach students about mapping techniques while they learn interesting facts about population size and composition. http://plue.sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/plue/ddviewer (for US-Mexico add: /ddv30-USMEX/)
Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (CR/T): Use this on-line guide to learn more about the importance of environmental treaties, which countries are signatory to which treaties, and to access complete treaty texts.http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/entri/
Thematic Guides (CR/T): On-line guides to global change topics such as population projections, climate change and agriculture, land use change, climate modeling, human health, ozone depletion, and remote sensing. http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/TG/thematic-home.html
Global Change Research and Information Office (GCRIO) serves as the information dissemination arm of the US Global Change Research Program. It contains numerous on-line publications and links related to global environmental change and impacts on the US.
Ask Doctor Global Change (T): Helps researchers, educators, decision makers and the public find global change data and information. This site features a searchable database of previously asked questions, and allows users to submit original queries.
Metropolitan East Coast Assessment (MEC) presents the results of the New York metropolitan area assessment of vulnerability to climate change, a part of the US National Assessment process. This site contains useful maps and materials, bringing climate change “down to earth” for students and teachers.
The MEC Educators Module (T): package of GIS software, datasets and lesson plans designed for educators who are interested in using GIS technology to explore global climate change issues.
Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is a project of the World Economic Forum in collaboration with CIESIN and the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy. This site provides access to the ESI report, the data sets, and an interactive version of the ESI that allows students to choose their own weightings of the factors that comprise the sustainability, thereby creating a customized index.
Population-Environment Research Network is a project of the International Human Dimensions Program and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. This site contains cyber seminars, bibliographic resources, downloadable research monographs, and other information on this exciting interdisciplinary field.
Class Assignments
Workshop Follow-Up
Write a 1 – 2 page summary of key concepts presented in the Workshop, and
your “reflections” concerning these concepts.
List at least three core concepts addressed by this session.
Provide an annotated review of at least one of the Internet sites suggested in this session.
Planning for Your Course
1. Construct two multiple-choice and one constructed-response question pertaining
to the concepts in this session.
2. Describe one activity in which students might utilize information or data available
from this Workshop.