“Discover the Polar Explorer: Sea Level Rise App” with Margie Turrin & Dave Porter (5 Mar and 9 Apr 2016)

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Climate Change, GIS education, Sustainable Future

Margie Turrin and Dave Porter

Originally presented 5 Mar 2016 at Lamont and 9 Apr 2016  at the Morningside Campus

Development of the Polar Explorer: Sea Level app funded by the NSF under Cooperative Agreement No. DUE-1239783.

Workshop funded in part by NOAA Award Number NA15NOS0080223 through the National Ocean Service

Explore sea level changes through our new question driven app that allows the user to travel through time and space to examine what contributes to our global and local sea level change. Examine the oceans, the atmosphere, the ice sheets and our solid earth to better answer: What exactly is sea level? What causes it to change? Where is it changing now? What about the polar regions? What about climate in the past? What are future predictions? Who is vulnerable?

“Polar Explorer: Sea Level” home page“Polar Explorer: Sea Level” App Presentation“The Science Behind the Polar Explorer: Sea Level App”

For the first time in Earth2Class history, we are presenting workshops at both Columbia’s Lamont Campus and Morningside Campus. Margie Turrin and Dave Porter will share the features of this app on 5 Mar in the Lamont Seismology Seminar Room and 9 Apr in Hogan Hall, 114th & Broadway. Special note: The 9 Apr will be only from 10 am – noon.

Related News Story: “New App Explores Ice & Sea Level Change through Time”

LDEO “Polar ICE (Interactive Climate Education) Curriculum & Educational Activities

“Earth Observer” App

Afternoon PD Activities

During the afternoon Professional Development session, we explore further uses of educational apps and other instructional resources develop by and with NOAA support. In addition to sea level rise, the focus will be on El Nino-La Nina and Climate.

2016-03-05 12.30.03
2016-03-05 12.30.12

Selected NOAA Educational Resources

NOAA Education ResourcesNOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) Educational Resources
Ocean TodayGlobal versus Local Sea Level
Sea Levels on the MoveSea Level Rise module video
Data-in-the-Classroom: Understanding Sea Level Rise Using Real DataData-in-the-Classroom: Investigating El Nino Using Real Data
NOAA El Nino Educational ResourcesClimate.gov El Nino-La Nina 

National Ocean Service mobile apps

 Sample Regents-type questions

Additional Selected Climate and other Earth Science Apps

Windows to the Universe and Other Selected Resources

NASA Global Climate Change apps

JPL Earth and Space Science apps

Ocean Surface Topography from Space

Yale Climate Connections “Ten Great Climate Apps”

Integrating Educational Technologies

General suggestions: Integrating Educational Technologies into Your Classrooms 

Your assignment:

1) What characteristics make apps effective as a classroom teaching tool?

2) When should app-based activities be used for full-class instruction, and when should they be used for small groups or individual projects?

3) Describe strategies to locate suitable apps resources  for your classes.


4) Design a lesson plan that incorporates at least one app-based activity.

E2C Follow-up:

You may send your model lesson and other responses to this “assignment” to michael@earth2class.org. If suitable, we will post your work in the E2C lesson plans and/or add them to this section of the Workshop website.

Essential Principles and Concepts

Ocean Literacy Also, Coexploration resources
Climate LiteracyAtmospheric Literacy