“Exploring the Earth with Ocean Drilling, part 2: Downhole Logging” with Gilles Guerin (Oct 2007)

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Scientific Ocean Drilling

Originally presented 13 Oct 2007

The Earth2Class Workshops this Fall feature two special themes: the “IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) ‘School of Rock’ Workshops” and the “Lamont Contributions to the IPY (International Polar Year).”

In July, seventeen teachers–including E2C founder Mike Passow–and twelve IODP researchers and staff members participated in the “School of Rock 2007: Exploring Ocean Cores at the Gulf Coast Repository.” (If you want, you can read the official press release.)

In our September E2C workshop, LDEO Borehole Research Group scientist  Jill Weinberger, E2C Organizer Dr. Michael J. Passow, and others shared research about gas hydrates, along with  selected educational activities and materials developed by the first and second SOR participants.

In this second SOR/BRG Workshop, Gilles Guerin will explain how strings of instruments lowered down the borehole reveal much more about the properties and histories of sea floor sediments and rocks. Gilles earned his PhD here at Columbia through his research into geophysical signatures of marine sediment processes. He has been the Logging Scientist on eight JOIDES Resolutionvoyages, as well as on other expeditions.

We will also have an opportunity to pilot test an educational activity about downhole logging that Gilles and Mike created for the SOR, as well as more opportunities to work through some of the classroom activities developed by JOI Learning and the School of Rockers.

Click on the icons above to see additional resources.

Introduction to this Workshop

Since this Workshop and the September Workshop both relate to Ocean Drilling, gas hydrates, and “downhole logging,” you may wish to view the previous workshop’s introductory presentation. 

Click on your preferred format:  ppt or mht

Cutting-Edge Research

Dr. Gilles Guerin loves to use geophysical instruments to discover what lies beneath the surface of our Planet. Now an Associate Research Scientist in LDEO’s Borehole Research Group, Gilles earned degrees in Ocean Science and Offshore Engineering in Marseilles, France, before coming the Columbia to obtain his Ph.D.  As part of his PhD, he explored the geophysical signature of various processes in marine sediments. Much of his research research has focused on understanding gas hydrates, so his talk makes a nice follow-up to Jill Weinberg’s September 2007 E2C presentation.

Although he has served in shore-based positions interpreting data logs from drilling, what really excites him is going to sea to obtain data. In 2006, he participated in the NGHP Expedition 1 off India. He experienced eight D/V JOIDES Resolution cruises between 1993 and 2005, and eagerly looks forward to future participation when the JR resumes its exploration as part of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP.)

Here is where you can access Gilles’ SOR presentation.

For more information about Gilles’s research and other interests, click on his LDEO website.

Classroom Resources

JOI Learning — Home page for the Joint Oceanographic Institutions education program

Here are some direct links from JOI Learning:

Kids Page

Educators Home Page

Classroom Activities

School of Rock

Elementary and Secondary activities 

Activity of the Month 

Educational Materials

IODP Education Programs

Other Resources for This Topic

Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 Initial Reports

LDEO Borehole Research Group

Consortium for Ocean Leadership (Joint Oceanographic Institutions and Consortium for Ocean Research and Education)

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)

IODP Education Programs

Gulf Coast Repository, Texas A & M, College Station, TX

Project Mohole 1958 – 1966

DSDP Phase: Glomar Challenger

ODP “Greatest Hits” abstracts

 Greatest Hits Volume 1: 1985-1996 (PDF; 1.8 Mb)   Greatest Hits Volume 2: 1997-2003 (PDF; 2.2 Mb)USGS “India Project”


The IODP and its predecessors have created many multimedia  materials for classroom use.

Click here to access descriptions of what is currently available through JOI Learning.

Images from this workshop