“GIS from the Hudson to the Nile: Data Visualization at Local, National, and Global Scales” with Kytt MacManus and Malanding Jaiteh (Sep 2009)

by | Jul 24, 2023 | GIS education

Originally presented 26 Sep 2009

Kytt MacManus and Malanding Jaiteh are Geographic Information Specialists at Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). CIESIN is part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. CIESIN works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in on-line data and information management, spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment.

In the morning, Kytt will share a powerful tool for studying the Hudson River watershed and develop curricular activities. The Hudson River Watershed Mapping Application was designed to help users explore the rich tapestry that is the Hudson River Watershed by toggling through layers of environmental and cultural characteristics and creating custom maps. Learn about the characteristics of those who live in the watershed, or how land use patterns vary throughout the region. Discover how the composition of the Hudson riverbed differs between Albany, Beacon, and New York City. Check out real-time stream and weather conditions across the Watershed via links to sensor networks operated by NOAA and USGS, or review EPA reports on registered pollution sources by clicking those points on the map.

In  the afternoon, Malanding will provide international examples using the SEDAC TerraViva Data Viewer. This is a stand-alone desktop application that enables users without fully functional GIS systems to visualize and examine SEDAC’s Gridded Population of the World (GPW), the Human Footprint, Environmental Sustainability Index and hundreds of socioeconomic and environmental variables. Functionalities include a global data viewing engine that lets users visualize hundreds of variables; a dynamic mapping capability to allow quick comparisons of variables across countries; and a customize mapping tool for users to create custom maps and charts based on national-level datasets.


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