Originally presented 20 Sep 2008
Our first E2C Workshop for Teachers of the 2008 – 2009 Academic Year introduces participants to the vast collection of resources available through this website, plus resources created by LDEO scientists. We will demonstrate strategies to incorporate these into your curriculum planning.
We will also have special tours in the morning of some of the Lamont campus facilities, including the Deep Sea Sample Repository. In the afternoon, we will have a guided walk through the Lamont Forest with Dr. Brendan Buckley of the Tree Ring Lab, in preparation for the Open House, when E2C teachers lead walks for visitors.
Introduction to this Workshop
In this first Workshop, we’ll share some of the many resources available for you through E2C.
We’ll also discuss some of the fascinating areas of research being investigated by LDEO scientists. We’ll spotlight two of the many lab facilities here, the Deep Sea Sample Repository and the Tree Ring Lab.
Cutting-Edge Research
LDEO Tree Ring Research Lab