“LDEO Contributions to the IPY (International Polar Year), part 2: ANDRILL (Antarctic Drilling Project) Results” with Trevor Williams (Dec 2007 )

by | Jul 27, 2023 | Polar Research

Originally presented 8 Dec 2007

The November and December E2C Workshops feature research contributions by LDEO scientists to the 2007 – 2008 International Polar Year. In our December Workshop, Trevor  Williams provides an update to his September 2006 E2C preview of the ANDRILL (Antarctic Drilling) Project. Trevor spent much of the 2006 – 2007 Antarctic summer on site in McMurdo Sound.

As a special addition, we were also able to teleconference with Louise Huffman, ANDRILL Coordinator of Education and Outreach and an ANDRILL scientist. They called from the McMurdo Base at 1:15 pm Saturday our time/7:15 am Sunday in Antarctica. Louise’s associated presentation is available at http://www.arcus.org/_upload/files/ARISE%20Poster%20PPt.ppt 

We will also explore some of the educational materials created by an international team of ARISE (ANDRILL Research Immersion for Science Educators)  teachers, including Vanessa Miller Of NYC’s Central Park East 2 School.  

Introduction to this Workshop

Here is the introductory ppt presentation for this Workshop.

Click here for a pdf version.

Here are links to recent E2C Workshops by LDEO Scientists
about Antarctic research:

Trevor Williams (Sep 2006)

Michael Studinger (Nov 2007)

Michael Studinger (Dec 2006)

Cutting-Edge Research

Trevor Williams has served as a logging scientist in the LDEO Borehole Research Group since 1999, and participated in the ANDRILL (Antarctic Drilling Project) on the McMurdo Ice Shelf during the 2006 season. Just before deployment, he provided an introduction to this project in the September 2006 E2C Workshop.

Trevor created for Popular Mechanics a blog describing his experiences during that period, which provides interesting insights into the logistics and events associated with research at the southern end of the Earth.

Trevor has also been involved with six JOIDES Resolution ocean drilling cruises in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. In his leisure time, Trevor is an accomplished painter–you can view some of his work on his website. Trevor also enjoys making short videos on scientific themes, such as his “water movies.”

Classroom Resources

ARISE (ANDRILL Antarctic Research Immersion for Science Educators) http://www.andrill.org/education

ANDRILL Project Iceberg (Gateway for Educators to Antarctic Geologic Drilling) http://www.andrill.org/iceberg/index.html

Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic (TEA) Classroom Activities:

“Windows to the Universe Postcards from the Field” 
ANDRILL postcards

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Education and Outreach Materials: http://nsidc.org/pubs/educationandoutreach/

International Polar Year (IPY) http://www.ipy.org/index.php
For Educators:http://www.ipy.org/index.php?/ipy/audience/C27/

Jean McMahon (Valley Central HS, NY) provides this webquest about glaciers.

Whither Arctic Sea Ice? 
Although this is about the Arctic, not Antarctic, this EET module provides an excellent learning opportunity about polar features.

Other Resources for This Topic


Home: http://andrill.org/
About: http://andrill.org/about/
Science and Technology: http://andrill.org/science/
Education: http://andrill.org/education/arise/
Key Personnel: http://andrill.org/contacts/

All About Antarctica:

Home: http://www.ipy.org/
About: http://www.ipy.org/about/what-is-ipy.htm
History of IPY: http://www.ipy.org/development/history.htm
Links to IPY sponsors and other polar organizations:

     Teachers’ Domain Polar Sciences Collection:http://www.teachersdomain.org/exhibits/ipy07-ex/index.html

Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic
Meet the Teachers:
TEA Classroom Activities:

Integrating Educational Technologies

General suggestions: Integrating Educational Technologies into Your Classrooms


Web Quests provide effective strategies for engaging students in learning about a topic. Dr. Cristiana Assumpção provides these  suggestions for making an effective Webquest.

As one example pertinent to today’s theme, Jean McMahon(Valley Central HS, NY) provides this web quest about glaciers.

You can use the E2C Search to the left to find other examples of Web Quests created in conjunction with E2C Workshops.

Your assignment:

1) What characteristics make Web Quests effective as a classroom teaching tool?

2) When should Web Quests be used for full-class instruction, and when should they be used for small groups or individual projects?

3) Describe strategies to locate suitable Web Quests for your classes.


4) Design a lesson plan that incorporates at least one Web Quest.

E2C Follow-up:

You may send your model lesson and other responses to this “assignment” to michael@earth2class.org. If suitable, we will post your work in the E2C lesson plans and/or add them to this section of the Workshop website.