Originally presented 7 May 2011
Scientists and engineers from the Borehole Research Group (BRG) at Lamont-Doherty provide valuable support for the Scientific Party aboard all Legs of the “JOIDES Resolution” drilling ship. Once the core (sediments and rocks) have been retrieved from a drill hole, BRG staff and the JR’s crew send complex geophysical probes back down into the hole to obtain a variety of data that reveal much about the Earth’s history and events.
E2C has been blessed for years by our association with the BRG, beginning with talks given by Dr. Gerry Iturrino and his willingness to serve as the PI (Principle Investigator) for the National Science Foundation grant in 2004 – 2006 that solidified the position of E2C at Lamont. During the past few years, several BRG scientists have shared their experiences aboard the JR, and described some of the–literally–cutting-edge discoveries made during these cruises.
This month, we welcome two of the younger PhD’s from the Borehole team, Dr. Helen Evans and Dr. Angela Slagel. They will describe their lives aboard the JR and some the research studies in which they have engaged during recent cruises.
Introduction to this Workshop
View today’s slideshow as a ppt or pdf
Classroom Resources
JOIDES Resolution multifaceted home page
It’s Not Just the Core that Tells the Hole Story
Trevor Williams’ Popular Science blogs
Ocean Drilling: How the Past Can Provide Clues to our Planet’s Future Climate
Up Close With Ocean Cores: JOIDES Scientists Put the Seabed Under the Microscope
Consortium for Ocean Leadership DEEP EARTH ACADEMY
Cutting-Edge Research
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) home page
Consortium for Ocean Leadership
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