Microbes in the Sea: Resource Kits for Hands-On Marine Science Lessons with Sonya Dyrhman and Sheean Haley

by | Jul 27, 2023 | Marine and Terrestrial Biology


Sonya Dyrhman and Sheean Haley
Originally presented 8 Mar 2014

Sonya Dyrhman and her Microbial Oceanography Group (Lamont Microbial Oceanography Group http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/fac/micro_ocean/Home.html) are a recent addition to the LDEO community, moving their lab from WHOI in January 2013. Sheean Haley is the Senior Staff Associate.  Their program is part of CMORE, the Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education.  CMORE has invested a lot into K-12 outreach, particularly for young students.
One of the tools that CMORE uses to help teach kids learn about microbial oceanography is through the use of the CMORE science kits (http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/education/teachers/science_kits.htm). These kits are located at CMORE’s partner institutions, now including several at Lamont. This is the first time these kits will be available to NYC/Hudson Valley teachers and students. They wish to spread the news to local teachers about these kits, their availability, and how teachers might be able to use them as tools in their classrooms.  Briefly, the way the kits work is they are picked up by local teachers. Generally, most teachers borrow the kits for about 2 weeks. The kits are designed to by “plug & play” in that all the materials (including lesson plans) come with the kit for several projects/activities. Details about kit components are given on the website.


You and download and view Sonya and Sheean’s slideshow from the link at http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/fac/micro_ocean/Home.html

You can also view Mike’s introductory slideshow  Microbes in the Sea

Related Resources

Center for Microbial Oceanography Research and Education (CMORE)

CMORE Education and Outreach

CMORE Microscopy (images and information)

CMORE GEMS (Grants to Educator for Microbial Science)

CMORE STARS (Science Teachers Aboard Research Ships)

Suffolk County Community College Marine Biology (MAR111)

International Census of Marine Microbes

NOAA National Ocean Service Harmful Algal Blooms

SERC Microbial Life in Marine Environment

Gordon Research Conferences: Marine Microbes (June 2014)