“Natural Gas in The Continental Margins” with Jeffrey Weissel (Mar 2003)

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Continent-Ocean Margins

Originally present Mar 2003

Introduction to Natural Gas and Continental Margins

Dr. Michael J. Passow

PowerPoint | HTML

What are the real boundaries of continents and oceans?  Why are they different in various parts of the world? How did they form? These are some of the concepts addressed in this introduction to the Workshop. Also, Dr. Weissel’s investigations explore the occurrence of natural gas (methane) within continental margin sediments, a significant area of current research and potential hazard.

Earth Science Content

We’ll begin with a review of our historical understanding of the ocean floors, going back to M. F. Maury’s famous “Physical Geography of the Sea” and continuing through early sonar studies and the Heezen-Tharp maps to modern seismic surveying and other geophysical techniques.  We will view a special DVD about ODP Leg 204 and the launching of the new drilling ship, Chiku. Then we’ll focus on the Atlantic coast of North America, and especially the region off the Southeast where methane and gas hydrates exist within sediments. This sets the basis for our guest scientist, Jeffrey Weissel, to describe more about about the potential impact of these materials on energy supplies, climate change, and hazards, such as tsunamis from offshore slumps.

For more information about the Margins Project, go to http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/margins/Home.html

To understand more about gas hydrates off the East Coast, you may want to read this R/V Cape Hatteras cruise report: http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/operations/obs/BlakeRidge95.html#Summary

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Online Projects that you can join:

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Online Curriculum Projects that your class can join:

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Designing Rubrics [A PowerPoint Presentation]

Assessment Tools from Innovative Teaching

TeacherVisions: All about Rubrics

Kathy Schrock’s Guide: Rubrics

Rubrics for Web Lessons

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Links about Natural Gas and Continental Margins

Rupturing Continental Lithosphere


Subduction Factory

Seismogenic Zone Experiment

Other Links

Technology Resources

Online Curriculum Projects that your class can join:

Interactive Science and Math Sites

Designing Rubrics [A PowerPoint Presentation]

Assessment Tools from Innovative Teaching

TeacherVisions: All about Rubrics

Kathy Schrock’s Guide: Rubrics

Rubrics for Web Lessons

Guides to Web Searching and Evaluating Internet Resources