Out of the Depths, Into the Classroom and Lab
Curator Nichole Anest and the Core Repository Staff
Originally presented 20 Oct 2018
Supported in part through NSF Grant #OCE 15-59059
The Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR) contains one of the world’s most unique and important collection of scientific samples from the deep sea. Sediment cores from every major ocean and sea are archived at the Core Repository. The collection contains approximately 72,000 meters of core composed of 9,700 piston cores; 7,000 trigger weight cores; and 2,000 other cores. We also hold 4,000 dredge and grab samples, including a large collection of manganese nodules. Over 100,000 residues are stored and are available for sampling where core material is expended. In addition to physical samples, a database of the Lamont core collection has been maintained for nearly 50 years and contains information on the geographic location, core length, mineralogy and paleontology, lithology, and structure, and more recently, other descriptions.
Over the nearly seven decades of its existence, this unique and unparalleled facility has evolved from the scientific collection of a small number of extraordinary Lamont scientists to the present-day repository which serves the national and international Earth Science community. Maurice Ewing’s foresight in collecting “A core-a-day” created a scientific legacy that now constitutes one of Earth Science’s foremost oceanographic and geologic resources. It is because of this function, service to the community, that the LDCR receives significant operational funding from the National Science Foundation.
Today’s Schedule:
09:30 – 10:15 Introduction — Mike Passow/Seismology
10:30 – 12:00 The LDEO Core Repository — Nichole Anest and Repository Staff Members/ Core Repository
12:00 – 01:00 “Lunch with the Scientists” — Seismology
01:00 – 02:00 Hands-on activities — Core Repository
02:00 – 03:00 Selected Curricular Activities — Seismology
Introduction Brief History of Scientific Drilling (pdf) | Introduction Brief History of Scientific Drilling (pptx) |

Piston Corer (Woods Hole Oceanographic Observatory)
Types of Corers (WHOI)
Piston coring animation (9 sec.)
Piston Core sampling aboard USCGC Healy, Canada Basin
(20 min.)
“Microfossils–the Ocean’s Story Tellers”
Educational Resources from the IODP USSSP E & O
Nitsche, F. “Sediment Processes in Complex Estuarine and Coastal Environments”
“Imagining the Hudson before Humans”
BRAZILIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE INTERNATIONAL OCEAN DISCOVERY PROGRAM (IODP) (Presented at the GET2Class –Geoscience Education for Teachers in the Classroom, VII GeoSci Ed Conference, Campinas, Brazil)
“Why scientific ocean drilling?”
Educational Resources from the IODP USSSP E & O
“Microfossils–the Ocean’s Story Tellers”
“Tales of the Resolution” Episodes 1 – 6 — Search for “Tales” to get specific links
Reading /Writing Activities associated with “Tales of the Resolution”
Videos created about scientific ocean drilling Interactive ebooks for children For the Public