Shrinking Glaciers: A Chronology of Climate Change with Michael Kaplan (Oct 2013)

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Climate Change, Paleoclimatology, Polar Research, Uncategorized

Dr. Michael Kaplan
Lamont Assistant Research Scientist Geochemistry

Originally presented Oct 2013

Dr. Kaplan’s presentation: Kaplan2013 

Research interests: 

Quaternary and glacial geology, geomorphology, geochronology, paleoclimatology, ice sheet dynamics, limnogeology, cosmogenic surface exposure dating

Field research studies:

* Glacier and climate history of southern South America, New Zealand, Antarctica, and
eastern North America. Whether past climate changes are in phase around the globe
at low and high frequency timescales

* Quantifying rates of landscape change in southern South America using cosmogenic nuclide
measurements and understanding these changes in relation to development of the Andes

Cosmogenic Dating Group

PIs: Joerg M. SchaeferMichael Kaplan

Humans live on the earth’s surface and Earth Surface Processes (ESP) are cornerstones defining fundamental boundaries for civilization. Many of these processes occur so rapidly and unexpectedly that they have daunting consequences. We are poorly equipped to predict their nature and possible impacts due to the lack of scientific understanding.

In particular, the impact of current environmental change on the nature of ESP is hardly predictable. It is a high priority challenge for modern earth sciences to better understand such processes.

One of the most promising approaches to this task is the quantitative investigation of ESP from the past to the present, and to apply the insight to current and future environmental challenges. The leading technique to realize this is the application of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide.

The LDEO Cosmogenic Nuclide Group develops terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide techniques and applies those as chronometers and tracers in the Earth Sciences. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides are produced by interactions between secondary cosmic rays and near surface rocks.

Our research interests cover a wide spectrum of earth scientific disciplines and include timing of ice ages, subglacial erosion rates, uplift rates of Pleistocene terraces, and a better understanding of the production systematics of cosmogenic nuclides.

Rock Paper Glacier: An Appreciation of Glacial Landscapes”


Shrinking Glaciers-A Chronology of Climate Change (Video) IcePod: Eye in the Sky for Climate Change Scientists
Waiting for Death Valley’s Big BangSwiss Glacier Finely Tuned to Climate Changes
Study Adds New Clue to How Last Ice Age EndedGlaciers Have Moved Together in Far-Flung Regions

American Museum of Natural History “Science Bulletins”

Featured in this July 2012 Science Bulletin:

Related Links:

Glacier advance in southern middle-latitudes during the Antarctic Cold Reversal

Glacier retreat in New Zealand during the Younger Dryas stadial

The Last Glacial Termination

GNS Science

University of Maine: Department of Earth Sciences

“GlacierHub” (research/communities near glaciers/impact of retreats)

Other Useful Resources:

PBS Learning Media: “Glaciers”

Nova : Vanishing into Thin Air

USGS Benchmark Glaciers

Melting Glaciers Threaten Peru

Agenda: E2C Workshop 5 Oct 2013     Dr. Michael Kaplan

9:30 – 10:30                     Dr. Kaplan’s presentation

10:30 – 10:45                  Break

10:45 – Noon                   Resource exploration and discussion

Noon – 1 p.m.                  “Lunch with the Scientist”

1:00 – 3:30                       Networking: Preparing to implement the NGSS and Common Cores in Science Classes