Terms grouped by sub-topics – Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Uncategorized

continental crustgraniteoceanic crust
basaltmagnetic patternsmantle
Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho)asthenosphereouter core
inner coretectonic platescontinental drift
plate dynamicsconvectionconvective circulation
densityplate boundariesconvergent plate boundary
subductiontrenchisland arc
divergent plate boundaryspreading centermid-ocean ridge
mid-ocean rifthot spottransform plate boundary
passive margindown-warpingdeposition
depositional basinearthquakesfault
epicenterfocusfocal depth
seismicseismic wavesseismometer
seismographcompressional wave (P-wave)shear wave (S-wave)
velocityrefractionshadow zone
Ring of Fireearthquake intensityRichter scale
Mercalli scalevolcanoesmagma
lavaigneous rockcomposite volcano
cinder coneshield volcanolandforms
folded mountain rangefault block mountain rangevolcanic mountain range
dome mountainsgeologic hazardtsunami
rock cycledynamic geologic system