atoms of elements (e.g., oxygen, silicon) | chemical sedimentary rocks | clastic |
cleavage | coarse-grained | color |
compression | concoidal | contact metamorphism |
crystal shape | crystal size | density |
evaporite | extrusive | felsic |
fine-grained | fluorescence | foliated |
fossil | fracture | glassy texture |
hardness | igneous rock | inorganic sedimentary rocks |
intrusive | lava | luster |
mafic | magma | magnetism |
metamorphic rock | mineral | mixture (e.g, rocks, air) |
Mohs hardness scale | molecules of compounds (e.g., quartz, feldspar) | non-silicates |
ore | organic sedimentary rocks | physical and chemical properties |
plutonic | precipitation | pressure |
reactivity with acid | regional metamorphism | resources |
rock cycle | rock texture | sedimentary rock |
sediments | silica tetrahedron | silicates |
streak | volcanic | weathering |