“Visualization of Groundwater Flow Using Interactive Sand Boxes, Links to Local and International Water Resources Issues” with Martin Stute (Feb 2011)

by | Jul 28, 2023 | Water Resources

Originally presented 12 Feb 2011

In many parts of the world, groundwater provides the major source of “Life’s Most Valuable Fluid.” But availability and contamination make groundwater a critical issue. Martin Stute will share aspects of his research about groundwater, with a special presentations about using classroom models to help develop critical thinking skills.

Introduction to this Workshop

   Slideshow for this Workshop

   pdf slideshow

Cutting-Edge Research

Martin Stute is the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Environmental Science, Co-chair of the Barnard College Environmental Science Department, and Adjunct Senior Research Scientist at LDEO. Martin presented an E2C program in January 2006.
Martin’s current research interests include: climate change during the last 40,000 years and in the near future; Hydrology and climate; groundwater as an archive of paleoclimate, in particular: paleotemperatures based on concentrations of dissolved noble gases; dynamics of groundwater flow on all time scales by using noble gases of tritiogenic, radiogenic and nucleogenic origin and other tracers in groundwater; processes in the unsaturated zone: composition of ground gases, thermodynamics; surface water-groundwater interactions; water-air gas exchange; water/rock interactions, surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides; accumulation rates of ocean sediments; interplanetary dust particles; mathematical modeling of tracer distributions in natural systems, environmental science in general, social and economic implications. 
Martin participates in Lamont’s Environmental Tracer Group and the Columbia Arsenic Project.

Previous E2C Workshops on related topics:

“Arsenic in the Groundwater of Bangladesh” with Dr. Lex Van Geen (May 2003)

“The Plumeflow Project” with Dr. Martin Stute (Jan 2006)

Classroom Resources

Classroom Activity: “Mathematical Modeling of Groundwater:
Porosity, Permeability, and Capillarity”
pdf version       Word version

“Edible Soil”

Web Resources:

USGS Groundwater Information Pages

USGS Water Science for Schools
includes “Earth’s Water,” “Water Basics,” “Water Use,”
“Water Cycle” diagrams in many languages, and more

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
Student Chapter of the AWRA
Groundwater Model Project

Ground Water Contamination: Trouble in Fruitvale
(SEPUP Lawrence Hall of Science)

The Groundwater Foundation Education Links
ex:   “What Is Groundwater?” 
 “How Wet Is Our Planet?”

BBC Radio 4 “Groundwater” programme

IMGEO Groundwater module

Environment Canada Groundwater–Nature’s Hidden Treasure

Groundwater Animations (compiled by Mark Francek)

Circle of Blue Weekly Water News

Other Resources for This Topic

New York City’s Drinking Water

USGS National Water Information System
Water Data for the Nation

Water Topics for Schools: Groundwater Topics

American Water Resources Association (AWRA)

Environmental Tracer Group of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Members of our group work on a variety of projects including studies of water movement in natural systems (ocean, groundwater), reconstruction of continental paleotemperature records using aquifers  as archives, gas exchange between the atmosphere and natural water bodies, and cosmogenic 3He in sediments.

Columbia As Project (NIEHS Superfund Research Program:
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese
The Columbia University Superfund Research Program focuses on the health effects, geochemistry, and remediation of Arsenic (As) and Manganese (Mn), primarily in groundwater. The program seeks to obtain new scientific knowledge, to provide multidisciplinary training for pre- and post-doctoral students, and to facilitate the translation of its research findings and products into effective policy applications to improve public health

Arsenic in Soil and Groundwater: An Overview