Selected Labs and Activities – Minerals and Rocks

From New York Science Teacher Earth Science Share-a-Thon: Rocks and MineralsFrom Charles Burrows (East Ramapo CSD):Composition of Earth’s Crust From a DLESE search: Teaching about minerals, magmas, and volcanic rocks (Volcano World)“Mineralology for Kids”...

ILS Core Concepts – Minerals and Rocks

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SCIENCE: MATTER, MINERALS, AND ROCKS Core ConceptsSuggested Activity3.3a. All matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are far too small to see with a light microscope. 3.3e. The atoms of any one element are different from the...

Selected websites – Minerals, Rocks, and Resources

USGS rock and mineral resourcesMineral Information InstitutePRI “Teacher-Friendly Guides to the Earth Science in the United States” Volcano WorldVW Earth Science LessonsMineralogical Society’s “Mineralogy 4 Kids”“Building Stones of the United States”Franklin Mineral...