Selected Labs and Activities – Minerals and Rocks

From New York Science Teacher Earth Science Share-a-Thon: Rocks and MineralsFrom Charles Burrows (East Ramapo CSD):Composition of Earth’s Crust From a DLESE search: Teaching about minerals, magmas, and volcanic rocks (Volcano World)“Mineralology for Kids”...

ILS Core Concepts – Minerals and Rocks

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SCIENCE: MATTER, MINERALS, AND ROCKS Core ConceptsSuggested Activity3.3a. All matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are far too small to see with a light microscope. 3.3e. The atoms of any one element are different from the...

Selected websites – Minerals, Rocks, and Resources

USGS rock and mineral resourcesMineral Information InstitutePRI “Teacher-Friendly Guides to the Earth Science in the United States” Volcano WorldVW Earth Science LessonsMineralogical Society’s “Mineralogy 4 Kids”“Building Stones of the United States”Franklin Mineral...

ESRT – Minerals and Rocks

Models of Our Planet  Generalized Landscape Regions (p. 2)Generalized Bedrock Geology of New York State (p. 3)Rock Cycle in Earth’s Crust (p. 6)Igneous rocks identification (p. 6)Sedimentary rock identification (p. 7)Metamorphic rock identification (p. 7)Average...

PSES Core Concepts – Minerals and Rocks

3.1a.  Minerals have physical properties determined by their chemical composition and crystal structure.Minerals can be identified by well-defined physical and chemical properties, such as cleavage, fracture, color, density, hardness, streak, luster, crystal shape,...

Selected websites – Models of Earth

“What Is the Moho? How Was It Discovered?” video Selected websites – Models of Earth GeoMapApp (Data Exploration and Visualization Tool) GeoMapApp Educational ResourcesGeoMapApp Earth2Class (Andrew Goodwillie and Steve Kluge, Sep 2013)Google Earth US Geological Survey...

ILS Core Concepts – Models of the Earth

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL SCIENCE: MODELS OF OUR PLANET Core ConceptsSuggested Activity1.1c. The Sun and the planets that revolve around it are the major bodies in the solar system. Other members include comets, moons, and asteroids. Earth’s orbit is nearly circular.Examine...