Spatial Thinking

Spatial Thinking

Professional Development to Improve the Spatial Thinking of Earth Science Teachers and Students Supported by National Science Foundation GEO-1034994 Dr. Kim A. Kastens, Principal Investigator Dr. Michael J. Passow, Co-Principal Investigator Linda Pistolesi The goal of...

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The American Meteorological Society offers three free, online courses for educators:“DataStreme Atmosphere,” “DataStreme Ocean,” and “DataStreme Earth’s Climate System.”We provide opportunities for teachers to share these experiences and obtain useful materials for...

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Teaching about Astronomy

Teaching about Astronomy

OFFERED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ST. THOMAS AQUINAS COLLEGEGRADUATE EDUCATION COURSE GED 7214 (2 or 3 credits) Our Planet Earth is but one component of the Solar System, which is but one component of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe. Understanding...

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